I was on Pinterest (imagine that) today and realized that I have a lot of goals in my life and things I want to experience or do atleast once. I think they call this a "bucket list". So I decided I'd create my bucket list. It's fun because you realize some things you've already done and then things you can look forward to. I've accomplished a lot but like to list the things I want to do rather than what I've already done!
I encourage you to try this! They can be big or small things. My list will change here and there, I'm sure!
You can check out some ideas from Pinterest on my "Everyone needs a bucket list" board... http://pinterest.com/mandigraceb/everyone-needs-a-bucket-list/
Mandi's Bucket list...
■Have a son
□Learn to play an instrument
□Take Blaine on an amazing vacation
□Graduate college (i'd like to do this a couple times)
□Go to a Spa
■Jet ski like a wild woman
□Live in a different state
□Get through surgery
□Go to a wine tasting
□Learn French or Italian
□Decorate my own house
■Be someone's role model
□Visit the world's largest aquarium
□Get my scuba diving license
□Carry a conceiled weapon LEGALLY
■Walk well in heels
□Buy my own bad-a pistol
□See Adele perform live
■Donate my hair to locks of love
□Learn more about nutrition
□Get a tattoo
□Have a hedgehog as a pet AGAIN
□Own an iPhone 4S
■Own a collection of bras & panties from VS
□Own a salt water aquarium
□Have my own boutique in the city
□Learn to sew and make my own clothes
□Work at Disney as a Princess
□Tour Italy
■Fall in love
□Celebrate my birthday in Vegas
□Go on a road trip with friend or just Blaine
■Live without credit card debt
□Learn sign language
□Stay in a castle
□Own a nicer camera
□Grow my hair really long AGAIN
□Swim with dolphins